You Are Looking To Play, We Are Looking For You!
You just want to be playing hockey this winter. We get it! We also get that making a team is hard! You need 14 other skaters and a goalie, at least, and then you need all of them to pay their fees, organize jerseys and so it goes!
Luckily there is an easier way to be playing hockey this season – you just need yourself! Ok, maybe a coupe of friends too, but that is optional. Saves you money though! In fact if you have two (2) friends that want to play on the same team as you, we’ll give you, each $50 Buddy Bonus credit! Why stop at two? You have three (3) friends? Even better. The deal still applies.
Actually, heck lets go crazy with this. We will give the same deal to every friend you have who wants to play, so long as your group is 3 or more players. And, we will even place all of you on the same team, guaranteed or your money back. By the way we don’t care about your gender, anyone is accepted and can play.
But what about jerseys? We got that covered too, you will receive two (2) numbered jerseys as part of the program, a home and away set. This right there is easily $60. You don’t even need to move a muscle, we set it all up. See, told you it was easy.
Next question. How do we know where to place you, since we have never seen you play. Very good! You will have to attend an evaluation skate at the end of August. This is more like a shiny game, so an extra ice time to get the rust out. Our people will watch you play and make a determination based on what they see!
Beauty, now you have friends, jerseys and a ranking. It is time to make teams. You and friend will get notified by our Free Agent coordinator about your placement shortly after the evaluation skate. And you will get your team schedule posted online. You are off to the races. The regular season is 30 games, about once a week. And yes there are playoffs. Luckily everyone makes it! So you will also get at least one (1) guaranteed playoff game. If the team keeps winning you keep playing.
How does that sound? Let’s get you all signed up then! Simply, register online (you will be redirected to Breakout and may need to make a new account there, we use Breakout as our registration system) and we place you and your friends either on an existing team or a team we build at about your skill level, for the season. You can choose to pay one, two or monthly payments when you register, make the season that much more affordable.
To sum it all up, see below!
Winter Program Details: Registration is NOW OPEN!
- Men and women of any skill level are welcome
- 32 ice times
- 1 evaluation skate – so we can place you on the right team
- 31 games – 30 regular season games plus 1 guaranteed playoff game
- Season starts in September and finishes at the end of May
- You get 2 numbered jerseys – $60 value (Home and Away)
- Money Back Guarantee
- Full Refund – will be issued if we are not able to place you on a team before the start of the season
- Registration fees are
$799 + GST, or SAVE $50 with the Buddy Bonus* and pay $749 + GST!
*Sign up with two friends and everyone will save $50 with the Buddy Bonus!
32 ice times + $60 jerseys = $749 + GST with Buddy Bonus. SIGN UP HERE
To get the Buddy Bonus of $50/person you need to find at least 2 other friends to sign up with you. Once you have a group of 3 players, each of you will get a $50 refund back on your credit card. But the best part is, if you have a few straggler friends that want to play and join later, they too will get the $50 Buddy Bonus if they say they are part of your group. And isn’t it more fun to play together with your friends on the same team?
So what happens if you have 10 friends that want to play? We will build a team around you and add other players to your group. However, if you have that many players you may want to start your own team and save some money.
Do you have other questions or are you ready to register now?
You will be redirected to Breakout ( to complete registration